Group Booking
A group booking is 1 or more persons booking golf on its own or golf
and accommodation.
A deposit will be requested at the time of booking confirmation and
must be received by us within 2 weeks along with a signed group booking
confirmation form. This will secure the booking and reserve all tee-times
and hotel accommodation. This amount will vary depending on the number
of people within the group and the deposit request from the hotels and
golf courses. Deposits will be payable to Impact Golf & Leisure
and will be non refundable in the event of cancellation. If we do not
receive this deposit by the said time we hold the right to cancel the
booking with the venue.
Balance Payment
Final balance payment must be made and be with us 4 weeks before the
date of your trip. We must also have received a full named list of all
attending the golf day or golf break and have a full list breakdown
of any food, drink and any other special requirements. If the balance
has not been received by the due date Impact Golf & Leisure reserve
the right to cancel the booking and in this case the deposit will be
non refundable. If there is a short fall in the numbers from the confirmation
list then full payment may be requested. Any merchandise, food or drink
purchased through us must also be paid for 4 weeks in advance of the
date of visit. All food, drink, merchandise and any other special requirements
will be invoiced separately. Any extras purchased by individuals must
be paid for at the time of purchase to the golf club or to the hotel
at departure.
Confirming the booking
A Group Booking Confirmation Form must be completed and signed by the
group organiser who by doing so accepts responsibility for the following.
Any damage or loss caused by any member of that group.
Full payment for any such damage or loss must be paid at the time directly
to the hotel, golf course or any other organisation. Failure to do so
will make you, the group organiser, responsible to meet any claims against
us plus our and any third party’s full legal cost.
We expect all members of your group to act in a responsible and considerate
manner. If in our considered
opinion or the considered opinion of any other person of authority within
the golf club, hotel or any other place, you or a member of your group
causes upset, damage or distress to any third party or property then
we or the supplier reserve the right to terminate the visit of the person
or persons concerned. No refunds will be made and we will not pay any
expenses or costs incurred as a result of the termination. We expect
you the organiser to make sure that you and all members of your group
behave in responsible and courteous manner at all times.
Payment Method
By cheque and made payable to Impact Golf & Leisure. Please make
clear your booking reference number.
Amendments or Cancellations By You
We will accept any changes to numbers or cancellation of your golf day
or trip providing that it is put in writing to us. If we receive written
notification more than 4 weeks in advance that the numbers are reduced
or the day / trip cancelled this will result in loss of deposit plus
any monies that are due. If we receive notification within 4 weeks of
the date of your golf day or trip this will result in total loss of
money paid to us. You must pay all costs and charges incurred by us
in the making of the amendment or cancellation plus any costs and charges
incurred or imposed by any of the suppliers in connection with your
arrangements. If through a number change there is an odd number within
the party a single room supplement will be charge as an additional cost.
Handicap Certificates
Handicap certificates are required at some golf courses before visitors
are able to play. We will try to inform you of this at the time of booking.
Handicap certificates are not essential on all golf courses but a good
knowledge of the rules of golf and the etiquette are expected and each
golf course reserves the right to refuse access if they feel the individual
does not show the required standard. We are not responsible in these
Dress Code
It is your responsibility as the group organiser to inform your group
members of the correct golf attire to be worn on the course. We carry
no responsibility for the individual golfing venues dress code rulings
if any member of your group is unable to play due to inappropriate dress.
Most clubs do not allow denim clothing of any description, round necked
or sleeveless tee shirts, training shoes, shorts must be tailored but
some courses vary on long or short socks so perhaps take both and be
prepared. Soft spikes are required on most courses now but we will endeavour
to advise you at the time of booking.
We will endeavour to book your tee-time as close as we can according
to your requirement. However if the exact tee-time is not available
we will book the closest available and confirm this with you. If you
are only playing as a 2 ball you may be asked by some golf clubs to
play with other golfers on the day as most tee-time allocations allow
for 4 people playing together.
Playing Condition and Course Closure
The playing condition of each course may from time to time vary due
to essential course maintenance. Impact Golf & Leisure will not
always be aware as to when this may occur, as it will depend upon the
weather conditions. We cannot be held responsible for the condition
of the course on the day of your event. If the golf club makes the decision
to close the course in advance of the day of your event, which is rare,
but should this occur we will contact you as soon as we are aware of
the situation and attempt to offer you an alternative date with the
approval of the golf club in question. If the decision has been made
on the day of your visit you will be entitled to a refund less 10% administration
fee. Under no circumstances will Impact Golf & Leisure be held responsible
for consequential loss arising from course closure.
Inclement Weather
Inevitably throughout the year bad weather may cause the courses to
be closed or for the golf course to operate temporary tees and greens
or to operate a trolley & buggy ban. This is the sole decision and
responsibility of the golf club officials, Impact Golf & Leisure
can not be held responsible for these decisions. Refunds will be dependent
upon the policy of the golf club or hotel resort in question. We cannot
be held responsible for inclement weather causing disruption.
We suggest that you take out a travel insurance policy for yourselves
and ensure that the insurance cover you purchase is adequate for your
particular requirements. Remember to take proof of your insurance with
you. We do not check insurance policies this is your responsibility.
Changes & Cancellations By Us
We reserve the right that from time to time we have to make changes
to correct any printing errors or any other details both before and
after bookings are confirmed and cancel confirmed bookings. We endeavour
to avoid changes and cancellations. If we have to make a significant
change or cancellation we will inform you at the earliest opportunity
and offer you the following choices.
A) To accept the change as offered.
B) The opportunity to take an alternative package from us of a standard
similar to the one you booked with us.
C) To accept the cancellation and receive a full refund of monies paid
to us.
The above options do not apply to minor changes. If the change is of
a significant one the only options that apply are the three shown above.
Compensation will not be payable and no liability beyond offering the
above mentioned choices can be accepted where we are forced to make
a change or cancel as a result of unforeseeable circumstances beyond
our control, the consequences of which we could not have avoided even
with all due care. No compensation will be payable and the above options
will not be available if we cancel as a result of your failure to comply
with any requirement of these booking conditions entitling us to cancel,
such as paying on time.
Information Accuracy
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information within
all of our promotional and marketing literature, our e-mails and quotations
is correct, but changes and errors do occasionally occur.
You must therefore fully check the details of your booking, including
the price, at the time of booking. We reserve the right to make changes
and correct errors in advertised prices and other details at any time
prior to confirmation of your booking.
Should you have any complaints or experience a problem during your golf
day or stay please inform the golf club or hotel immediately. If the
complaint is specific to issues arising during your golf day or stay
at the hotel, compensation is the direct responsibility of the golf
club or hotel. If you do not get a satisfactory conclusion please notify
us in writing within 30 days of completion of your golf visit so that
we are aware and can monitor any further situations with the golf clubs
or hotels we promote. If you fail to follow this procedure, this may
affect your entitlement to claim compensation where this would or may
otherwise have been appropriate.
If you have any complaints concerning any service we provide, as opposed
to any service provided by any third party such as a golf club or hotel
for whom we are not responsible, you must inform us immediately in writing
and in any event within 30 days of your booking with us. We cannot accept
any liability if we are not so notified. Our maximum liability to you
if we are found to have been at fault in relation to any service provided
by us is limited to the commission we have earned or are due to earn
in relation to the booking in question.
Governing Law & Jurisdiction
Your contract and all matters arising out of it are governed by English
Law. You agree that any dispute, claim or other matter which arises
out of or in connection with this contract will be dealt with in the
courts of the UK . If you live outside the UK it will be dealt with
within the English courts.